6 useful office renovation planning tips for success

Office renovation  |    5 min read

So you have decided to go for an interior office renovation. You want to create a space that both you and your employees would be excited to go to each morning.

Creating a workspace that maximises productivity and reflects your brand value is great, but are you prepared?

An office renovation means that you and your team will face some hassle. You’ll have to make certain changes to accommodate this process.

So how do you ease the stress this might have on your business? How do you prepare so the stress is reduced and the transition after renovation is made easier?

In this article, we share a few ways you and your team can prepare for your interior office renovation.

But first: Should you stay or go?

The current space no longer fits your business requirements. So, the big question is: “Is a renovation worth it or should you look for a new space?”

The key is to check how fast the business is growing and see if the current space can keep up with expanding operations. Hot-desking like what Microsoft did can be a viable option.

You can rope in a renovation contractor to help you with the evaluation. Determine if there are areas that can be optimised to accommodate new employees joining your company. You’ll be surprised how effective space planning can increase the usability of your office premises.

Whether you’ve decided on staying or moving, you’ll need to take a few steps to prepare for the renovation or remodelling of your office.

How to plan for office renovation

1. Find out how well the existing design is serving your team

Doing this will serve as a guide for what needs to change. Get your employees together and ask them questions about the workspace. Is it collaborative enough? Does it motivate them to work better? Does it foster productivity?

Ask them what the space is lacking and how it can be improved to meet their needs.

This step is vital because your employees are going to be the ones working in the space and if it doesn’t fit their needs, you would have wasted money and time.

One major decision you will make at this stage is to decide if you’re going with an open floor plan, closed cubicles, or a more flexible hybrid.

Relay this information to your interior designer or renovation contractor and together come up with a design that works for everyone.

Layout of an existing office

2. Allocate a budget

This step is essential so you don’t go red because you are renovating your office interior.

Create a budget for your renovation plan. The budget will guide your plans and ensure you don’t overspend.

However, the truth is you can never be certain of the cost of a renovation project until you are done with the project. So, while you’re creating a budget, plan for contingencies.

A rule of thumb is to add 10%-15% of the total budget as contingency funds. Obviously, this might not be used, but it’s always a good idea to have a certain amount stashed in case of an emergency.

A great way to create a budget that takes everything into account is by working with a professional interior renovation contractor. They’ll anticipate and account for most of the issues that will occur. However, a good contractor does not negate the need for a contingency fund, it just means the chances of using the fund are reduced.

3. Make plans for a temporary workspace

How will the business continue when the renovation is going on? Renovations take time and stopping operations throughout that period is not wise.

So, how do you go about ensuring work continues even as the renovation is going on? Here are a few ideas to consider:

  • Allow for remote work. If you run a business that can be done remotely, embracing work from home is a great way to ensure business operation continues even as the remodelling or renovation is taking place. However, this might not work for all businesses, especially one that requires face-to-face meetings with employees and clients.
  • Rent a temporary space. If you can afford it, subscribe to co-working spaces so operations can continue while renovation is on-
  • Renovate in batches. If remote work is not feasible or you can’t afford to rent a temporary space, you can plan with your contractor to remodel the existing workspace in several phases. Once each phase is completed you can rearrange the workspace without interrupting daily operations.
Staff members discussing about office interior requirements

4. Communicate with your team

Renovations will affect your employees the most. Ensure you give them proper notification before the process starts.

Tell them what they should expect during and after the renovation. How will the new designs affect their routine? What are the changes that will need to be made during the renovation?

Keeping your team informed will build camaraderie and will help them cope with changes.

5. Pick the right team for the job

You’ve worked with your team and come up with the changes you would like. It’s time to pick a team to work with.

Choosing the right team could mean the difference between a successful renovation and failure. They take the hassle away from the renovation process and make the transition as smooth as possible.

Since you’re working on the interiors of your office, it might be best to work with contractors with experience in commercial renovation.

Our team is fully qualified to tackle office renovation of any interior design style and size, from minor redesigns to complete layout redesign.

Members of interior office renovation team in discussion

6. Create publicity for your revamped office premises

Will you host an unveiling? Are there projects and events that will happen after the renovation? Make this an opportunity to showcase your new workspace… and company. Use this special occasion to connect with your customers, vendors, and partners.

Final thoughts

An interior office renovation is great for so many reasons, but the truth is that it’s an intricate process that requires ample preparation.

In this guide, we have listed the steps you should take to be fully prepared for your office interior renovation.

If you still have any questions or would like to kick-start your renovation process, contact Teck Guang Interior Design today. Our team of renovation experts are duly trained and will ensure that you’re well prepared for the renovation before it starts.

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