5 fundamental components of good office interior design you shouldn’t ignore

Office renovation  |    5 min read

Getting the interior of your office right is crucial to the success of a business. It motivates employees and directly impacts productivity. Some might even argue that it affects your client’s business decisions.

Designing the interiors of your office is more complex than designing your house. A good interior office design and renovation has to reflect your brand’s personality while offering your employees a functional space to carry out their duties.

And while we might be tempted to focus on the looks, we should not overlook comfort. In this article, we take a look at the 5 fundamental components of good interior office design and how they can aid the comfort and productivity of your staff.

1. Layout and space planning

This is the foundation of your office interior design. Poor space planning will affect all the other components and decrease productivity. In an attempt to avoid this, most offices are opting for open-plan offices.

An open-plan office is a great way to increase collaboration and communication between workers while reducing feelings of isolation. It’ll boost teamwork and harmonise workflow.

However, some employees may find it difficult to function in such a layout. For these employees, you might have to invest in small private spaces that allow for some privacy and provide the right atmosphere for these employees to focus on their duties.

Creating an inclusive space like this is necessary, especially for promoting neurodiversity, a concept that’s gaining popularity in office interior design.

Planning out a space that is varied and inclusive will help your employees feel more comfortable. It offers flexibility and makes for a relaxing work environment.

Pro tip: Work with your employees to figure out what works for who. They are going to be the ones working in the space and should have a say.

2. Branding and identity

As a business, you should take every opportunity to communicate your brand values and identity to your employees, clients and visitors.

By incorporating your brand colours and other visual elements in your design, you can create a workspace that fosters brand recognition among clients while reinforcing brand identity in the mind of your employees.

Here are a few tips you can use to incorporate branding and identity into your office interior design:

  • Incorporate brand colours wherever you can. Use them for your wall paint and furniture choice.
  • Display your brand logo and message in prominent locations throughout the office. It could be on walls, equipment and signage.
  • Create a consistent visual experience throughout our office. You can do this with imagery, typography and other design elements. If done properly, this will create a sense of unity and professionalism.
  • Consider your brand’s personality. Is your brand playful? Then bright colours and fun design elements might work. However, if your brand is more professional than playful, muted colours may be the way to go.
Employees' gathering area in a Microsoft office

3. Colour scheme and lighting

Your colour scheme and lighting have the potential of stifling or maximising productivity. A dull design will reduce your employee’s creativity and interest in their duties.

Many businesses believe that stepping away from neutral colours will take from their professionalism, but this isn’t the case.

A good professional contractor will guide you on how to apply colours in ways that will highlight your brand values while maximising professionalism and productivity. The right splashes of colours in the right place can help keep your workers’ brains active.

Lighting also plays an important role in boosting creativity. Nothing affects productivity more than drab lighting. Invest in natural lighting. It provides vitamin D and plays a huge role in boosting your employees’ mood and keeping them active.

Design your workspace to maximise natural lighting. If this is not feasible, you can resort to low-energy alternatives.

4. Furniture and accessories

Furniture is an essential component of your office interior design. They offer functional support and help create comfortable and welcoming workspaces. Here are a few ways to use your furniture in your interior design process:

  • Choose ergonomic furniture. They are designed to support your posture and movements, promote comfort and reduce the risk of injury.
  • Invest in modular furniture. Modular furniture can be configured to suit your needs at any time. They are a great way to improve the layout and optimise space usage.
  • Find a balance between functionality and aesthetics. Functional furniture pieces are important but you should consider the visual impact of aesthetically pleasing furniture on the look and feel of your office.
  • Prioritise comfort and convenience. Employees will be more creative if they’re comfortable.
  • Add personality by using decorative items and fixtures. You can throw in a piece of art or some plants to add personality to your office. These accessories add a sense of comfort and homeliness to your office.

By adding the right furniture to your workspaces, you can create a good balance of functionality and appeal.

White modular furniture in an office

5. Sustainability and wellness

After the pandemic, and even before, sustainability and wellness have become important considerations when designing your office. Being environmentally conscious and being mindful of the well-being of employees will not only make your office a great place to spend time in, it’ll also strengthen your brand identity.

Here are a few tips you can use to create environmentally sustainable interior design:

  • Choose sustainable materials. These are materials that are biodegradable, recycled, and renewable. Do not use materials that are difficult to dispose of.
  • Invest in energy-efficient lighting. In an ideal scenario, natural lighting is the best option, but when this is not feasible, you might turn to energy-efficient alternatives.
  • Incorporate plants into your design. Plants help keep your employees healthy by purifying the air.
  • Incorporate features that cultivates physical activities. Standing desks and mini sports facilities are great ways to do this.

Final thoughts

Designing your office interior offers you the opportunity to give your business a much-needed facelift. The essential components we’ve listed in this article will help you create a design and renovation plan that maximises functionality and drives profit.

At Teck Guang Interior Design, we offer the best interior renovation services. If you need help creating the perfect workspace for your employees, contact us to find out how we can help.

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